Sunday, September 20, 2009

Funking It

Live enjoy how how?? funk it fuck let it go jump the boat floating along.
Who gives a toss what is to be done.
Welcome my new baby Oxford 12 weeks old.
I love my skinny black kitty cat.
Bite me,

Sunday, March 2, 2008


There is no time anymore.
Too much holding back, break free trust, push forward.
Who matters what matters always looking back.
Time flys by I can"t stop that.
So much time spent with people I don"t love the people I do love are either too far away or just don'T love me enough to make time for me.
Tick Tock I am old but I am not.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Eyes wide ,fools rush in

I rush and fall, hopes so great I moan so much.
Rushing water ears on fire.
Eyes open shut to the world.
Pills of love and joy not really being true,
People turn against you black smoke comes.
The brain is numb bring out the sun.
Stars bright hands tight cheek to cheek.
All over for this week.
Down and up rush out, stay in.
Go crazy, move to Oz.
Baby born babies dead slowly slowly getting sick.
Draw the blinds shut myself in.
Greed and lust is closing in.
Fingers greedy lick flick stick.
All bent no more. It all makes me sick.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


We are all alone all the time.
I love ,I loath it, I want it ,I don"t.
The week started today for me. Slowing down, just not moving around.
I want to box, kick and fight but it"s just not happening tonight.
I will join a group hang out meet new friends.
Why to be lean ,mean, meet Jimmy my fighting machine.
I will start my own Quest.
Fight ,give up, back down.
Round two Thursday.
I am alone again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back to the scene of the cime

What now no sex you want rest.
It;s me and you oh how you do. I am there so happy so full of love.
Living my life without the gloves,
No money no work I can't pay the bills.
What happens the day I get ill. Stay home and type I wish it was alright.
I long for home a place of my own, my baby his Dad and all that I had.
How do I start just put it to bed, My life is slow I have nowhere to go.
At home I stay just get away from the day, when is it right to stop this fight.
My faith is strong is that why I relax what comes is here what goes was not all that.
Shut away shut away ugly and fat, I am hating all that.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Really Miss You

How can you miss me when you had me everyday. You did not care for a word I would say. Your friends were your family I would hear you say, Yeah man you never thought you would lose me one day.
What happens now I can not say. You thing you miss me now its going to get worse you really messed me up you took me for granted of course, I have become very strong I have a friend who cares.
Then of course there is my man upstairs.
God hears my cry's he is flushing out my heart through my eyes.I cry with joy I cry with pain, oh but it is non thing like your silly game
I will stay strong how can four little words bring me back after the pain you have caused .I am waiting for more but I do no know what. How much longer have you got.

Monday, December 24, 2007

No more Me

I drove passed your house the other day just to see why there is no more you and no more me.
Oh how sick to see you there with all your icky boys playing with your stupid toys.
I hid my face I could not breath you broke my heart for all to see.
My eyes are weak full of tears, how I loved you all thoses years.
It is the same old story you often hear. I never knew who you were.
Im a stranger looking in, you live two lives all which are full of sin.
Do you think I was someone so incomplete.
Was I just to carry on walking down that street.
No way thats just not me Im full of life just wait and see. One thing is for certain that is the last of you and me.
My heart still aches but I strong and tough. I looked behind all I see is dust.